Friday, February 18, 2022

Character 2/18

 Oscar Wayne...

        Oscar Wayne. A rebellious teenager- the protagonist of our film- who is facing obstacles in order to skip school and continue his stress-free life. My partner and I decided that the film would take place in the modern world, therefore he will look like the typical high schooler from the 2020s -ripped jeans, backwards cap, charming and thoughtful to his fellow peers-. He is described as tall, slim but somewhat fit, dirty blonde hair, and very intellectual, but he doesn't try his hardest in school. Oscar Wayne gets away with things pretty easily, and this is because of his traumas at home. For instance, his mom left when he was little, and his dad is abusive at times when he's home -he's barely home-. This further develops Oscar's care-free lifestyle, rebellious characteristics as he seeks adventure while fulfilling the journey of skipping school. The opening scene of our project will develop Oscar's rebellious characteristics as the audience will feel a tense mood; this is just his typical day to day life.

 Dealing With A Rebellious Teenager? Rebellion Is Normal

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Final Portfolio Project (Video) - Veronika Gonzalez

Hope you enjoy!   file:///Users/veronikagonzalez/Desktop/Cambridge%20portfolio%20project-%20Veronika%20Gonzalez,%20Natali%20Maya.mp4